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John Beddoes Campus

Wellbeing Ambassadors

Our Wellbeing Ambassadors Programme is a peer-led, early intervention programme that empowers young people to lead positive change and increase wellbeing and resilience in themselves and their peers: which can help prevent mental health problems. 

The programme consists of a training programme for around 20 pupils, across all year groups.. Our Wellbeing Ambassadors once trained are then supported to develop and run wellbeing initiatives in school. 



  • Provide peer to peer support
  • To increase wellbeing and resilience •Help protect the mental health of young people at NHS
  • Reduce the risk of mental illness now and later in life
  • Promote a sense of belonging and connection
  • Builds skills for them to develop positive peer relationships
  • Develops empathy
  • Gives greater access to support for all young people at NHS


  • Lunch duty (‘Lunch Buddies’) in designated lunch areas
  • Assemblies – 1 per term
  • Peer Support for wellbeing and behaviour Interventions
  • Friendly face around the school
  • Signpost help and support for pupils
  • Promote wellbeing events (e.g. Children’s Mental Health Week)
  • Promote 'A Mind to be Kind' 


  • Emotion Coaching
  • Anti-Racism
  • Anti-Bullying
  • Protected Characteristics
  • Peer Mentoring
  • Restorative Justice Conversations
  • Mental Health First Aid Training
  • Safeguarding

Who are the Wellbeing Ambassadors? 

  • They are easily identifiable by their Gold Tie, Wellbeing Ambassador Badge and Yellow Lanyard.
  • They are there to help at any time and to promote a ‘Mind to be Kind’.
  • Please just ask them if you need help or advice with anything, they can be found every lunchtime or on Lunch Duty around the school, but they won’t mind you asking at anytime.
  • We will be training up our Year 7 Wellbeing Ambassadors during the Autumn Term.  

A Mind to be Kind 

bullying a mind to be kind.pdf