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John Beddoes Campus

Attendance Matters

Regular attendance is important, not just because the law requires it. If your child attends school on a regular basis they take an important step towards reaching their full potential. Regrettably, if your child fails to maintain good attendance they are likely to fall behind in their learning and miss opportunities to learn new skills and develop their knowledge and understanding.

Attendance and Attainment

The link between excellent attendance and attainment is clear. The below image illustrates the relationship between attendance and achievement at school.

Reaching their full potential

Excellent attendance at school is important to allow your child to fulfil their potential. The rewards for good attendance are clear, they are more likely to enjoy school, achieve better results and increase life chances. School provides more than just an opportunity to learn, when in school pupils can:

  • Make new friends.
  • Experience new things in life.
  • Gain qualifications.
  • Develop new skills.
  • Build confidence and self-esteem.
  • Have the best possible start in life.
  • Participate in extra-curricular activities.

Monitoring your child’s attendance

You can check your child’s current attendance by logging onto our Classcharts app.

Log in to Classcharts (or download the app) from this link

On the app you can see your child’s total attendance percentage for this school year and you can also see their attendance percentage for a custom date range. This is visible in the same way on the Classchart parent and pupil app.

On Classcharts your child’s attendance is now traffic light marked, displayed with the square in the top left of the attendance screen. The colour shown correlates with the table shown:

If you have lost your unique 6-digit code to access Classcharts please contact the school office.

How parents/carers can help

  •  Establish a routine in mornings and evenings so your child is prepared for the school day ahead.
  • Make sure your child goes to school regularly.
  • Ensure your child arrives at school on time - not late.
  • Arrange dental and medical appointments outside school hours when possible. 
  • Please avoid taking family holidays during term time.
  • Talk to your child about school and take an interest in their school work.
  • Attend parents evenings and school events.
  • Praise and reward your child’s achievements in school.
  • Always inform the school if your child is absent due to illness via Classcharts.

The rewards for good attendance are clear. Your child is more likely to enjoy school, achieve better results and increased life chances and opportunities.