John Beddoes Campus,
Newtown High School Staff List:
Senior Leadership Team
Headteacher - Mr Robert Edwards
Acting Headteacher (John Beddoes Campus) - Mrs S Craddock-Bennett
Assistant Headteacher - Mr B Jones
ALNCo - Miss J Hamilton
Business Manager - Ms C Harrison
Teaching Staff
Head of Key Stage 4 and Geography - Mrs Thomas
Head of Key Stage 3 and PE - Mrs Evans
Head of English - Mrs Northwood
Head of Maths - Mr Taylor
Head of Science - Miss Coulthard
Head of Humanities - Mr Barnaby
Head of DT and ICT - Mrs Lawrie-Jessop
English - Mrs Burton
Maths - Miss Dawe
Science - Mrs James
Science - Mr Wayne-Smith
Science - Miss Gwynne
Welsh - Mrs Smith
Health and Social- Mrs Nash
Music - Mr Burrows
French - Mrs Griffiths
Art - Mrs Radziwonik
Student teacher - Mrs Hughes
Cover supervisor - Mrs L Powell
Support Staff
Pastoral Coordinator - Mrs Righton
Pastoral Support - Mrs Barden
Sci Tech/Exams Office - Miss Crowe
LSA - Mrs Black
LSA - Mrs Herrits
LSA - Mrs K Powell
LSA - Mrs Lewis
Technology Technician - Mrs Minskip
Office Administrator - Mrs Gillum