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John Beddoes Campus


We believe that it is important to celebrate the success of all our students, both inside and outside of school. In school we want to reward all students for showing they are Ready to Learn. Our Ready to Learn ethos underpins our rewards system. Our Character rewards system aims to promote a positive ‘can do’ attitude in all aspects of school life, and to reward our students for their fantastic work, attitude and effort.

Below you can see our Ready to Learn ethos, these are the expectations we have of all students, in all lessons. Above you can see the CHARACTER attributes we hope all students of Newtown High School demonstrate and develop during their time with us.

Students are awarded Positive Behaviour Points for showing they are Ready to Learn or if they have shown CHARACTER. Each half-term your Head of Year will nominate a student who has demonstrated each of the CHARACTER attributes, the nominated students will be awarded with a certificate in our celebration assemblies!

Pupil Voice

Pupil Voice and the Student Assembly have been instrumental in redesigning our Rewards System and this has directly led to the introduction of the new Rewards Catalogue.

It was highlighted in the half termly LMT Pupil Voice activity that pupils felt there was a disparity between the number of negatives issues compared to positives, so we asked pupils to delve a little deeper and give us a little bit more information about how they felt about rewards. Here are some of the things they said:

  • “Can we exchange positive points for ‘real’ stuff?”
  • “We like the rewards breakfasts and afternoon teas, but can more people be included?
  • “The rewards breakfast is nice but a bit noisy and crowded, can we have separate events for each year group?”
  •  “Positive Points could go towards money off Prom at the end of Year 11!”

We took all of this feedback on board and spoke to ClassCharts about what their system could help us do.  They gave us the excellent news that ClassCharts could run a rewards catalogue for us. So our next step was to go back to the pupils and find out exactly what they wanted on the Rewards Catalogue. The results that came back were interesting with items/activities ranging from Black Pens to Camel Rides! The adjacent picture is a snapshot of some of the ideas provided.

Rewards at Newtown High School