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John Beddoes Campus

Request Wellbeing Support 


Email our Wellbeing Team at: 


Head of Key Stage 

Contact your Head of Key Stage: 

  • Mrs D Evans, Head of Key Stage 3 (Transition, Year 7 and Year 8)


  • Mrs D Thomas, Head of Key Stage 4 (Year 10 and Year 11) 


CYMORTH Submission 

1. Log on to any school device and access Dashboard. 

2. Top right hand corner, click CYMORTH

3. Complete the short form 

4. A member of the Pastoral Team will find you that day to discuss your worries

Wellbeing Alert on ClassCharts 

1. Access your ClassCharts account (on any device)

2. Choose 'Wellbeing' from the banner menu

3. Choose the face that best represents how you feel at the time 

4. Give a brief overview of any feelings, worries or emotions you wish to share

5. A member of the Pastoral Team will find you that day to discuss your worries

Report to a Wellbeing Ambassador 

Find a Wellbeing Ambassador, there will be Wellbeing Ambassadors on duty in the; 

  • HoY Hub Corridor 
  • Humanities
  • Patrolling School

They will give you advice, signpost where you can get further advice, or help you to discuss your issues further with a member of the Pastoral Team.