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John Beddoes Campus


School Meals and Prices

All meals are freshly prepared dishes from our 3-week menu below, including a choice of potatoes, vegetables or salad and a pudding at £2.65** per meal, also available daily are jacket potatoes with various fillings, pasta as an alternative Carbohydrate, Salad, and Fresh Fruit and Water. 

Visit the link below for the full menu: 

High School meals and prices - Powys County Council

** Current Price (increased by 10p April 1st 2024)April 2024 price increase

Parent Pay / Cashless Catering 

Powys has become the first county in Wales to have all schools operating a cashless payment system for school meals and other items. Powys County Council has introduced electronic payments to offer a convenient method for parents and carers for a range of activities including meals, trips and activities.

This is an easy and convenient method of payment.  The benefits include:

  • Top up your child's account at a time to suit you
  • View balance online
  • See what your child has eaten
  • No need to find cash
  • Reduced queuing time in schools for pupils

 The online cashless provider is ParentPay Ltd., there are two choices for topping up:

1. Online at www.parentpay.com (to initially set up your child's account you will need your activation letter which we will provide when your child starts in Year 7, this has your username and password)

2. Using a PayPoint card in local stores / shops. To find your nearest PayPoint outlet click on: www.paypoint.com (you will need to order your card from your school). To log onto their website to activate your account / top up your child's account / check your balance / see what your child has eaten please click link: www.parentpay.com

Free School Meals 

To be eligible for free meals in Powys schools, the parents/carers must get one of the following:

  1. Income Support
  2. Job Seekers Allowance (Income Based)
  3. If you are an Asylum Seeker getting support under the Immigration and Asylum Act.
  4. State Pension Guaranteed Credit
  5. Employment and Support Allowance - Income based
  6. Child Tax Credit - as long as you are not getting an amount for childcare paid with your CTC, or getting Working Tax Credit. HM Revenue & Customs must also have worked out your household income as £16,190 a year or less.
  7. Universal Credit - as long as your annual net earnings are £7400 or less

You can also get free school meals if you are entitled to a Working Tax Credit 'run-on' payment for four weeks after stopping work or reducing working hours to under 16 hours a week.

You will also be making a difference to the amount of additional money Newtown High School will receive for educating your child and others. This is because the school receives its Pupil Deprivation Grant based on our Free School Meals Uptake.

How to Apply:
Powys County Council - Free School Meals and help with school clothing Free School Meals Application Form

Welsh Government information:
