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John Beddoes Campus

John Beddoes Trust Fund

The John Beddoes Trust Fund (Charity number: 525713).

John Beddoes Campus - Newtown High School

John Beddoes was a wealthy woollen manufacturer who founded a free school in Presteigne in 1565.

As a wealthy landowner he set up a trust fund to help pay for the education of children in East Radnorshire. The trust fund is still in operation to this day awarding grants for education purposes to both individuals and to departments of the John Beddoes Campus.

A small group of Trustees run the charity, with meetings being held three times a year. The Trust fund is a registered charity and completely separate to both Powys County Council and Newtown High School.

The Trust Fund makes grants for educational purposes. This may involve funding travel, the purchase of books, course material and equipment such as computers. Grants are also made to the school to enhance school life.

Under the terms of the Trust, these grants are available not only to pupils currently attending John Beddoes School but also to other individuals in respects of secondary education and of further or higher education, as follows:

Secondary Education

Grants can be made to pupils attending a secondary school outside the area of the former County of Radnorshire who are, or one or both of whose parents are resident, or were last resident if now deceased, in the area of the former County of Radnorshire with a preference, in the case of those who attend a school outside the area of the former County of Radnorshire, for pupils with special needs.

Further or Higher Education

Grants can be made to former pupils who have attended John Beddoes School for a period of two years, having one or both parents resident, or last resident if now deceased, on the area of the former County of Radnorshire.

Grants can be made to former pupils who have attended for a period of two years secondary schools outside the area of the former County of Radnorshire, having one or both parents' resident, or last resident if now deceased, in the area of the former County of Radnorshire with a preference in the case of those who attended a school outside the area of the former County of Radnorshire for pupils with special needs.

If you would like to apply for a grant you can download the form from the link below.Trust Fund Application FormPlease email the completed form to johnbeddoestrustfund@gmail.com or return a physical copy to the John Beddoes Campus.

Trustees would like to thank the school for allowing us to use the conference room for meetings when required.

IMPORTANT: A submitted application form does not guarantee a payment, in whole or in part. In order to provide as much help to as many applicants as we can, the trust fund limits awards to individuals to £250.