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John Beddoes Campus

Mathematics and Numeracy

Head of Maths - Mr Taylor

Maths - Miss Dawe

Our vision for our learners of Mathematics and Numeracy is for each individual to explore the beauty of mathematics and approach problems with curiosity, resilience and with a strong growth mindset. We hope to develop learners who are able to address challenges as opportunities to grow and learn rather than from a place of fear of getting something 'right' or 'wrong'. Finally, for our learners to become mathematical explorers.

Mathematics enables all students to be numerate in their world and to think in a way that encourages critical awareness through problem-solving, reasoning and communicating understanding.

Students need to be able to apply, combine and adapt skills to be able to use Mathematics independently throughout their lives. Students follow programmes of study that are designed by the Mathematics Faculty. Numeracy – the application of mathematics to solve problems in real-world contexts – plays a critical part in our everyday lives and we develop lessons to be engaging, exciting and as accessible as possible for learners, ensuring that learners develop mathematical resilience.

John Beddoes Mathematics Curriculum Map 2024-25

Mr Bartons Revision Book  KS3 Mathematics

Skills developed:

Key stage 3

At the end of this Key Stage, students should be able to perform mental calculations, discuss and use problem-solving strategies and appreciate the breadth of applications of Mathematics, as a source of enjoyment, as well as a vital set of skills. Through this Key Stage, they can become ambitious, capable learners, ready to learn throughout their lives.

Year 7 Curriculum Map

 KS3 Knowledge Organisers - Year 7

Year 8 Curriculum Map

 KS3 Knowledge Organisers - Year 8

Year 9 Curriculum Map

 KS3 Knowledge Organisers - Year 9

GCSE KS4 Mathematics & Numeracy

In Key Stage 4, students prepare for two GCSEs with WJEC.

  1. GCSE Mathematics - Numeracy where students learn and practise the mathematics that learners will need in their everyday lives, in the world of work and other general curriculum areas.
  2. GCSE Mathematics - extends students skills to aspects of mathematics needed for progression to scientific, technical or further mathematical study.

GCSE Learning Plans 10.1 & 11.1

 GCSE Learning Plans 10.2 & 11.2


 GCSE Knowledge Organiser 10.1 & 11.1 

 GCSE Knowledge Organiser 10.2 & 11.2 

 GCSE Revision Hub 

Use the icons below to access revision resources. 



Maths Papers Numeracy Papers Numeracy Booklets Maths Booklets