Health and Wellbeing
WBQ - Mrs Nash
Head of PE - Mrs Evans
PE - Mr Jones
PE - Mr Wayne-Smith
The Health and Well-being Area of Learning and Experience’s vision is to provide our learners with a holistic learning environment for understanding health and well-being, developing the capacity of learners to navigate life's opportunities and challenges.
Our learners will be given the opportunity to apply a range of different experiences that will develop and understanding of physical, mental, emotional and social well-being.
It will support learners to understand and appreciate how the different components of health and well-being are interconnected, and it recognises that good health and well-being are important to enable successful learning and positive life-long habits.
PSE Learning Plans
anxiety workbook
download_for_offlineanxiety workbook
- wellbeing booklet download_for_offline
download_for_offlinewellbeing booklet
WBQ Learning Plans
Year 10 WBQ Learning Plan Autumn Term
download_for_offlineYear 10 WBQ Learning Plan Autumn Term
- Year 11 WBQ Learning Plan Autumn Term download_for_offline
download_for_offlineYear 11 WBQ Learning Plan Autumn Term
PE Learning Plans
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Health and Social Care Learning Plans
- Year 11 WBQ Learning Plan Autumn Term download_for_offline
- wellbeing booklet download_for_offline